Below we have a list of many of the ministries that we offer here at Main Street United Methodist Church in Greenwood, SC. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when joining one of our ministry programs. We believe that engaging in fellowship is a very important tool when growing to be more like Jesus. The encouragement of others is a powerful motivation.

ENGAGE Wednesday Nights

We believe it is important that we are continuously growing in our relationship with the Lord as well as in relationships with one another. Small groups meet regularly to study the Bible, pray for one another, and offer opportunities to build lasting relationships. Groups could meet at any time of the week. 


We have groups meeting during this difficult time. It's different, but we don't have to do life alone. 

Join us for ENGAGE Wednesday Night Gatherings with Dinner. Sign up today!




Adult Ministries

Our Adult ministries are a chance for a group of adults to come together and to join in fellowship with one another. We offer eight different Adult Sunday School classes to choose from on Sunday morning. Several of those continue to meet virtually. Each one offers something different! 

United Methodist Men 

Have various projects and a Bible Study group.


United Methodist Women
We provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ and put faith into action.  There are three Women's Circles:

  • Hearts and Hands
  • Celebration Circle
  • Susanna Circle


Main Streeters

This group is for adults 55+ who enjoy activities, fellowship and fun!  As we say, this is "Where Fellowship and Fun are Golden!"

Youth & Student Ministries

Christian fellowship, education and fun are what we are all about. We take great pride and joy in leading Young Adults and your 6th through 12th graders toward a more personal relationship with God. However, we also explore the world and plan a variety of activities for everyone to enjoy.


Sunday School - 10-10:45am Sunday mornings in the Youth Room

Open Gym for Youth (Summer) Tuesdays at 2pm (youth and rising sixth graders)


For information on what's going on at the current time, contact Preston Goforth, Email Preston.

Children's Ministry

We have a ton of fun stuff going on here. We get to learn about the life of Jesus and the Bible while often digging into some games and arts and crafts. We want this experience to be as fun as possible for your children, but also as safe as possible. We have Worship Readiness for our new 1st graders during September to help them learn how, where and why we worship the way we do. Our new 3-year-olds go through a program during Sunday School in September called Welcome Wigglers and are taught what to expect when they begin coming to “big church”.


  • Sunday School, 10:00 AM- 3 - 5 years olds and 6 years old to 5th grade
  • Extended session during the last half of the Traditonal Worship Service at 11:00 AM.
  • Crucifer and Acolyte Training for elementary and middle school students.
  • Visit our Children's Ministry now!

Mud Pies Creative Learning Center

We are a part of the Christian education ministry of Main Street United Methodist Church here in Greenwood, South Carolina. As a Creative Learning experience for children, the pre-school explores several areas of learning such as early exposure to religious activities, music, art, reading and creative play. Each area is put into a structured format based on the respective ages of the students. Under the guidance of qualified teachers, Mud Pies strives to help children develop skills and knowledge in spiritual, physical, linguistic and social/emotional domains. 


Contact the Director: Allison Wooten

Music Ministry

The chancel choir, praise band and special musicans/vocalist like the handbells create an atmosphere of reverence and rejoice during our worship service. We hope that you will visit to experience our music ministry for yourself. If you enjoy singing and praising the Lord through instruments or vocals, we welcome you to participate.


  • The choir rehearses each Wednesday evening from 7:15 – 8:45 PM, August through early June. .
  • The Praise Band is currently seeking addittional volcalists and/or instrumentalists. 
  • We have a five octave set of Malmark Handbells. We hold 3 – 4 intensive rehearsals for special services.
  • Interested in playing bells? Complete this survey by Music Director Gina Jolly: Click HERE.

Missions & Outreach

We are called to love our neighbors! Our congregation is very involved in SERVING OTHERS through many missions and outreach projects/programs. 


Our Missions are the ways we help people not only locally, but nationally and internationally as well. We participate in Operation Christmas Child which not only provides gifts for children in struggling countries but also brings to those children the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Our Outreach efforts serve our local community agencies like the Greater Greenwood United Ministries, Pathway House, Faith Home, Kairos Prison Ministry and many more. We have many ways in which you can connect and serve!

Membership & Evangelism

Our members serve in many ways. There are opportunities to get involved and serve the church body by joining our Prayer Team, Care Team, or Bereavement Team.


In addition to those Ministry Teams, there are lots of opportunities to join in church wide events or participate in unique programs.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a recovery process based on the Word of Jesus Christ and uses the eight recovery principals found in the Be-Attitudes as well as the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to free members of addictive and compulsive behaviors that keeps us from our relationship with God and others. Our members find freedom from all types of addictive and compulsive behavior such as drugs, alcohol, divorce, anger, anxiety, depression, sexual issues, infidelity, co-dependency, etc.


Visit Celebrate Recovery to learn more.


We love keeping people in the loop and informed. 

At Main Street United Methodist Church, we believe that a disciple is one who knows Christ, is growing in Christ, serving Christ, and sharing Christ. Through our Ministries, we strive to provide opportunities for our members to be disciples. We encourage you to engage in the life of Main Street Greenwood. I'm always available to help connect you to a ministry.The way we serve may have changed due to the pandemic, but we continue to be the hands and feet of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


If you are looking for a way to serve, no need to look further. We have tons of areas that everyone, from all walks of life, can serve. If you have any questions about any of these fields please let us know.

All of our different areas that you can serve are broken down into specific groups. We hope that you will be able to find a ministry that you can best use your talents in. Check below for a small list of some of those areas. 

  • Working a Saturday at Soup Kitchen 

  • Working inside the nursery

  • Disaster Response Team - projects near the SC Coast fixing homes

  • Leading Small Groups