Ways to GIVE Today!

  1. 1. Fill out the pledge card available in the church pew or one you'll receive in the mail. Return it to the Church Office.
  2. 1. Use our secure link below, click on GIVE NOW.
  3. 2. Make your pledge using your online banking.
  4. 3. Write a personal check and mail or drop by the Church Office anytime during normal business hours.
  5. 5. Donate or Pledge through our Realm App.

Other ways to give...your time.

While your financial support is much appreciated, there are other ways you can give to the church. We understand that everyone may not be able to give as much as they would like and we understand. If you are still looking for ways to serve we provided a list below of some option that you may be interested in. Anything you could do would be ever so greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your continued support. God bless.


  • Nursery Care
  • Welcome Center Hosts 
  • Sanctuary Stewards


  • Sound System Operators
  • Soup Kitchen Saturday Volunteers
  • Small Group Leaders/Teacher

We are so grateful for your generousity.