Main Street United Methodist Church Children’s Ministry Coordinator:
We are in search of a part time Children’s Ministry Coordinator to maintain a vital and growing program of biblical study, activities and care for children from birth through fifth grade. Primary responsibilities include overseeing Children’s Sunday School, Vacation Bible School in the summer, and Sunday extended session for first graders and below.
The Children’s ministry coordinator will be involved in recruiting and overseeing volunteers assisting with the aforementioned duties.
Salary and Hours:
Part-time (20-25 hours a week) with an hourly wage commensurate with experience.
Click Here: Complete Job Description
Please submit resumes or questions to:
Jim Kelly at jkelly52352@gmail.com or Brian Albon at brian.albon@me.com
Discipleship focuses on actively following in the footsteps of Jesus. As Christian disciples, we are not passive spectators but energetic participants in God’s activity in the world. Because of what God has done for us, we offer our lives back to God. We order our lives in ways that embody Christ’s ministry in our families, workplaces, communities, and the world.
As United Methodists we seek to use scripture, reason, tradition and experience to transform the world into the kingdom of God described in the Gospels.
We believe in the divine personhood of the Holy Spirit as an equal part of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is God present, living within each follower to empower a life that reflects the lifestyle, values and character of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the change agent in the lives of Jesus’ followers, illuminating God’s word for understanding and application in the life of each.
The Spirit is involved in progressively transforming each follower into the image of Christ, and is actively working within the Christian community and world at large to bring about God’s plan of redemption for all people and all creation.
Believing that baptism is an act of the church through which God offers grace, the United Methodist Church practices the baptism of persons of any age, ranging from infant to adult. All United Methodist baptisms take place in the context of a worship service. Because it is a divine act, we recognize as valid the baptisms of churches of other denominations and do not baptize persons more than once. In baptism, the congregation promises to care for and nurture the faith of the one being baptized. Therefore, we baptize those infants, children, and adults who will continue to be part of the life of the church. .
We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, that He was conceived and born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and sacrificed Himself to be punished in substitution for sinners. By the blood of His cross and His resurrection from the dead, He obtained for us eternal redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting. He was raised bodily and ascended to the right hand of the Father. He will return to the earth personally and visibly to consummate His kingdom.